Thierry Duval’in Suluboya Resimlerindeki Gerçeklik

Yazar Tarih: 29 Nisan 2014

Fransız ressam Thierry Duval yapmış olduğu çalışmalarla genç nesillere örnek olabilecek başarılı bir sanatçıdır. Kendisinin özel olarak kullanmış olduğu katmanlı resim çalışmasıyla gerçeklik duygusunu ortaya koymakta. Fransız sanatçı seyahatlerinde gezmiş olduğu yerlerin resimlerini çizerek ortaya çok çeşitli çalışmalar çıkarmış fakat, içinde ki Paris sevgisi her zaman ağır bastığı için çalışmalarında Paris’i sıkça kullanmaktadır.

“French painter Thierry Duval paints for a long time, and before us is an example of how people, while still at young age, are creating their future. Today he is a professional and a master of his craft.

He was born in Paris, in 1968. After he received his education, Thierry Duval traveled a lot. Hence the whole series of paintings categorized by geography. However, the favorite place of the author has always been and remains Paris. Most of his paintings are devoted to this city. Thierry Duval paints exclusively in watercolor. Moreover, he has his own technique of multilayer paint application that allows him to create paintings with an almost hyper realistic detailing.”

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